Policy Briefs

The University of Lincoln Policy Hub has produced a series of policy briefs on current research topics. See below for the downloadable pdf

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Policy Guidance & Resources

The Lincoln Policy Hub has produced a series of policy guidance notes to help you engage with policymakers and researchers. You will find guidance on engaging with parliament, government and…

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The Conversation

We are delighted to announce that the University of Lincoln is now a member of The Conversation. The Conversation is an independent source of news analysis and informed comment written…

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Latest Blogposts

Artful Engagement: disseminating a pilot national Arts Education Framework at the UNESCO World Conference on Culture and Arts Education

Background on MAP Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) is a 4-year international, interdisciplinary applied research project, which began in 2020. MAP demonstrates the value of arts-based methods for everyday peacebuilding with and for young people in post-conflict affected countries (namely, Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia and Nepal). The research project is providing…

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Markets Before Modernity

Markets – simply put, institutions designed to facilitate and structure exchange – tend to get a bad press. Think back to the financial crisis of 2007-08, the damaging consequences of which were felt throughout the world. That crisis persuaded many people that markets cause as many problems as they solve,…

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Policy engagement towards informing the current and future role of Community First Responders’ in the United Kingdom

We aimed to engage with policy stakeholders related to ambulance services and Community First Responders (CFR) schemes at a local, regional and national level to co-create and inform policy relating to CFR schemes, and to inform their future development. University of Lincoln research has: Provided evidence to UK ambulance services…

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Government endorses all recommendations made in the summer women’s football review – so what next?

The government has endorsed all recommendations made in the raising the bar report that was released on July 13 this year following a review chaired by former international footballer, Karen Carney. Carney “felt great relief” when hearing that the government had accepted all recommendations of the review. Culture Secretary, Rt…

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