Tag: Social Economies

Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and the Rural Social Economy

The social economy is increasingly visible in LEP Local Industrial Strategies (LIS). A recent survey of the 31 rural ‘Shire’ LEPs suggests that 70% feel they embrace the social economy explicitly: a proportion corroborated by a desk study of their LISs. Sustainable principles are ubiquitous. Heart of the South West,…

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New Social Economies: A Social Economic Strategy for Lincolnshire

Globally, new economic arrangements are gaining traction. The OECD ‘Better Life Index’ based around well-being indicators, eschews GDP growth and GVA productivity measures. It has been adapted in India (the ‘Ease of Living’ index) and Bhutan (GNH – Gross National Happiness). The Well-being Economy Governments Initiative (WEGI), begun in 2018,…

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